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The Most Epic Travel Agency Ad Ever

Thank you to Business Insider for linking to this amazing advertisement for a travel agency in Scotland. I’m not sure what I love more–the man doing a flip in the pink and black bicycle shorts who is supposed to be one of the women or the creepy Disney scene. I’m …

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JetBlue Kicks Passenger Off Flight for Tweeting About Delays

A man got kicked off Easy Jet for tweeting about their treatment of someone coming back from war.  But that was Easy Jet. JetBlue seems to be one of those airlines that can do no wrong.  Until now. A passenger was covering another passenger’s interaction with the pilot.  The passenger was joking …

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Let IBM’s Watson (of Jeopardy Fame) Help Plan Your Next Trip

The founder of Travelocity has teamed up with the IBM Watson project to create a new company, Wayblazer. This company’s aim is to use Watson’s plain language skills and ability to “learn” to make the booking process much easier for the usual consumer. From Market Watch: WayBlazer addresses the growing …

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