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Getting Text Message Updates of Airline Deals

During One Mile at a Time’s talk at Frequent Traveler University today, people were asking a lot of questions about how to find great deals and how to jump on them quickly. He mentioned that he checks out the website the Fare Deal fairly often for his mileage runs.  Ben …

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Pilots in the News

There’s been some interesting news about pilots this week–most happening in the last last 24-hours! A United Flight destined for Seattle had to emergency-land in Boise when someone on board suffered a heart attack–the pilot. Over 50% of British Pilots admit to sleeping while flying, while another subset of that …

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I Got Targeted for Triple Miles by US Airways

…for Land’s End. Immediately after Keri got her email offering triple elite qualifying miles on US Airways, I received an email myself. Sweet!  Triple miles?!  I’ll re-qualify for Chairman in no time.  I’ll just be packing up my things to do a quick mileage run and I’ll be al…. wait …

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