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Alcoholic Peanut Butter Cups and the Hotel Hershey

Keri and I took a trip to Hershey, PA on a day where “showers†were predicted.  We planned on running into Hershey Park in between light rain spells. But these light rain spells turned out to be torrential downpour. We quickly iterated our plans and headed to the Hotel Hershey …

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When Mileage Run Flights are Delayed or Cancelled

So us frequent travelers do something that can be seen as a bit crazy to other people–we fly somewhere for the sole purpose of getting miles. Well, not always sole. Keri and I both do short mileage runs to fun places.  But we’re going to be in those fun places …

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Will a Government Shutdown Affect Your Travel?

According to NBC News, the shutdown won’t affect your flights at all: “AIR TRAVEL Federal air traffic controllers would likely remain on the job and airport screeners would keep funneling passengers through security checkpoints. Federal inspectors would continue enforcing safety rules.” As far as getting a passport or dropping by …

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