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JetBlue to Charge for Checked Bags; Less Legroom

The darling of anti-fee flyers may not be their darling for too much longer. JetBlue is now “unbundling” checked bags and offering different price levels depending on the amount of baggage you are bringing. From the Consumerist: One of the last remaining airlines holding out against fees for checked bags …

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Google Maps Releases Worst Traffic Days During Thanksgiving

Being one of the largest data providers gives Google an advantage–they get a lot of data in return. Google used its Google Maps product to determine which days and times seemed to have the worst traffic during Thanksgiving week.  They also analyzed what types of activities people do when traveling …

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Drunk Women Demands First Class Seat; Gets Seat in Cop Car Instead

Apparently, if you are removed from a flight for being too drunk, the airline won’t rebook you in first class, as a New York woman learned. From She demanded first-class seating and money to pay babysitters because of her delayed return home, the report said. The deputy described Batchker …

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