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I Believe That is My Leg…

a row of seats in an airplane

Piggy-backing on Tiff’s #Tiffisajerk posts, I never know how to act in this situation. I’m all for letting the person in the middle seat have 100% of the arm rests.  But sometimes on flights, the person in the middle seat puts their arm over the arm rest and onto my leg, …

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Why I Stopped Using TripIt to Organize My Travels

a logo with blue and orange text

TripIt was highly recommended to me by some of my friends. It keeps tabs on your travels and alerts you if it doesn’t think you’ll make a connection. The pro-version even pulls up alternative flights. I went all in on the pro-version. After using it for some time, I’m definitely not …

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New Tech Reduces Engine Noise on Planes

a diagram of a plane

I never quite realized how noisy an airplane is until I used a set of noise cancelling headphones for the first time. When I took them off after a nap, I worried that something went wrong.  Was there a breech in the fuselage?!  What’s that horrible sound? …oh, the engine. …

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