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Staying Positive by Doing Positive Things

a child's hand reaching out of an airplane window

If you fly frequently, you’ve had to deal with crying babies, people who take too long to go into their seats and block the aisle from everyone else, and delays.  And you’ve dealt with grumpiness.  Other passengers, the airline crews, and sometimes your own. Art Carden wrote a post a …

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Free Ice Cream Tomorrow! (No, not *that* ice cream)

a woman eating an ice cream cone

Uber is at it again with Uber Ice Cream. Last year, Keri and I attacked hailed an Uber Ice Cream car and brought treats up to our office. Oh, and for ourselves. This time, Uber is teaming up with Capital One, and you can get your Uber Ice Cream for …

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Why Do You Rarely See Glasses on the Housekeeping Cart?

a table with food and wine

This video is from about ten years ago, but it’s been going around again and some friends have linked me to it again. In an undercover investigation, the group set up undercover cameras to see what happened when the dirty dishes were left out. Apparently not much–in a bad way. …

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