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How to Find a Cheap Drink Almost Anywhere

a close up of a drink

When I first moved to the DC are, my friends knew they could come to me to know about any happy hour in the area.  Virginia has weird rules about advertising happy hours, so it made this knowledge even more valuable. Now they don’t need me.  And when I go …

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Win Free In-flight Internet!

a plane flying in the sky

Internet on airplanes is proof that the future is now.  (Well, okay, flying cars would have been, but it’s still pretty awesome). I’ve been able to fly more because of airplane wifi.  I can take a five hour flight and get massive amounts of work done, all while staying in …

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Passenger Literally Bites Flight Attendant

close up of handcuffs

The latest in crazy-in-the-sky news is that a passenger on a Hawaiian Airlines flight was arrested by the FBI for interfering with the flight crew. And by interfering with the flight crew, I mean, he actually bit a flight attendant. From Supervisory Agent in Charge, Matthew MacDonald says Aumoeualogo is …

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