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Lithuanian Mayor Drives Tank over Illegally Parked Mercedes-Benz

a man riding a tank on top of a car

Yesterday, I wrote about a woman who accidentally parallel parked her Mercedes-Benz on top of a Ferrari 458 Speciale.  The key word in that sentence is *accidentally*. In response, someone sent me a video of a similar thing happening… except instead of the Mercedes-Benz being the one on top, it …

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Man Attempts to Run After Flight He Missed… on the Tarmac

an airport with stairs and a walkway

If you miss your flight, you have a few options.  You can rebook it.  Some airlines will let you move to the next flight (in certain situations).  You can choose to forgo the trip. Running across the tarmac after your flight is not one of these options. However, a man apparently …

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