I’ve had many over zealous TSA agents insist on inconsistent rules with my shoes. But the one part they have in common is that my shoes should either be placed straight in a bin or flat on the belt.  These are the shoes I am wearing. Shoes: Please remove shoes before …
Read More »Alcohol & Travel: Fact vs. Fiction–What are we really allowed to do?
Do you know whether or not it is legal to bring alcohol through airport security?  Do you know whether you are allowed to drink your own alcohol on the plane? I did a survey of travelers and came up with this infographic explaining what they thought vs. reality. Edit: Keep scrolling …
Read More »TSA Let Weapons Through Security in 19 out of 20 Times in Tests
Aka the TSA let 95% of weapons through security during tests.  Sorry, percentages seem to break things on WordPress. According to an ABC exclusive: An internal investigation of the Transportation Security Administration revealed security failures at dozens of the nation’s busiest airports, where undercover investigators were able to smuggle mock …
Read More »Touch that! Don’t touch that! The TSA’s inconsistencies
As a frequent traveler, I frequently get yelled at by the TSA. Â And I’m frequently doing whatever they yelled at me to do the last time. I used to opt out when I had to go through the scanning machines. Â Now that I have pre-check, I’m not constantly going through …
Read More »TSA’s Notification Card Means Nothing
TSA has a notification card for people with disabilities so they can “discreetly communicate information about their needs to an officer’. This does not exempt you from any extra screening. Â It’s more or a “hey FYI guys, I can’t stand on my own / I will set off the metal …
Read More »“Do You Want to Target Men Interested in Panties?”
So, apparently I’m giving Facebook the wrong idea. It’s taking my posts about TSA and is… well… assuming something completely different about the blog. I’ve been writing about the ridiculousness of TSA security–both on the passenger AND TSA side. So, yesterday, I wrote about how a woman tried to sneak …
Read More »It Is Not Legal to Take Cocaine Through Security in Your Panties
Heels First just linked to an older post of mine explaining how it is technically legal to fill a bra with wine and take it through security.  Leave it to this lawyer to find a loophole. A woman tried to take this a step further and attempted to bring cocaine through …
Read More »Sometimes Travel is Just Plain Surreal
I had a 5am departure this morning out of Dallas, so I woke up a little bit before 3am to make sure I made it to the airport on time. By the way, I’m a huge fan of sketch comedy and a huge fan of Kids in the Hall and …
Read More »Craziness Dealing with the TSA
The TSA is a huge part of any frequent traveler’s life. Â Yesterday, I wrote about how I had to argue with an agent that I was arriving on the correct day for my midnight flight. In the Google Hangout Launch Party, once we went “off-the-record,” we talked a little bit …
Read More »TSA’s Concern Because My RedEye Ticket Was For the Next Day
I recently had a bizarre situation when going through TSA security. I had a red-eye back to DC shortly after midnight. Â So technically, my flight left on the next day. I went up to security and presented my ticket. Â The TSA agent scanned my ticket and it properly beeped. She …
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