Heels First just linked to an older post of mine explaining how it is technically legal to fill a bra with wine and take it through security.  Leave it to this lawyer to find a loophole.
A woman tried to take this a step further and attempted to bring cocaine through security in her undergarments. Â Four pounds of it.
 While passing through security April 12, Guyanese citizen Olive Fowler became nervous as border patrol agents went through her suitcase, according to officials, and they took her to a private room for a physical search.
Upon inspection, CBP officers pulled roughly 4 lbs. of cocaine out of packages hidden in a girdle and the underwear she had under her clothing, officials said.
The street value of her unmentionables is over $70,000.
I have to admit that you have the absolute best headlines. Often good for a laugh. Thanks.