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Cake in the Ass. and Other Russian Tidbits

Reporters arriving at Sochi have been tweeting astonishing photos of the conditions in their hotel rooms.  View from the Wing linked to quite a few of them. But there are a few things that I’ve seen on twitter that have made me go, “Ah, you haven’t been to Russia before!” …

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Cute Children’s Geography & Travel Game for Free!

How do I talk about this children’s app without revealing my propensity to play games intended for children… Anyway! The Amazon App store currently has a cute app for free (normally $1.99). Stack the Countries is a game where players “earn countries” by answering trivia questions about them including capitals …

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How You Maintain an Airport with 25 Feet of Snowfall a Year

I just thought this was cool.  How does an airport stay operational when it gets 25 feet of snow a year?  The Houghton County Memorial Airport has this down. According to the Upper Michigan Source: “We’ll plow it off, get our numbers for the airline. Then, typically, we have to fuel …

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