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JetBlue to Skip the Check-in Process

JetBlue has announced its plans to scrap the check-in process. From Business Week: “The idea of asking customers to jump an additional hurdle before their flight is an increasingly antiquated concept,†Blair Koch, a JetBlue vice president, said in announcing the new process. “By having the right systems in place, …

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How to Handle an Emergency Landing: Take Selfies?

A plane from Portugal to Holland had to make an emergency landing.  The oxygen masks fell and a passenger took the the opportunities to take selfies in the oxygen mask.  Hey, it’s better than panicking! From the Mirror: If your flight suddenly goes into descent and Oxygen masks fall from …

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The Caribbean is not International for US Airways Club Access Either

I’ve written before that the Caribbean is considered domestic for most of US Airway’s purposes.  There are complimentary upgrades to the Caribbean even though the upgrades are complimentary domestic upgrades. I had a feeling the US Airways club’s rule that international first class tickets got free access was for US …

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