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Cell Phones to Be Allowed In-Flight in Europe

Cell phones not in airplane mode will now be allowed on European Flights. From US News:  European skies may soon be alive with the sound of small talk with new safety rules allowing the use of all portable electronics, including cell phones, at any time during flights. Under the guidelines issued …

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Free Way to Learn a Language Before Traveling Somewhere

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When I travel to a country with a language I’m unfamiliar with, I try to make sure I have some key phrases down.  For a while, I had tried Rosetta Stone which, in addition to being expensive, didn’t emphasize the types of words I wanted to learn quickly. I can …

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Beer Pipeline Being Built in Belgium

I think this is going to be your new-must-visit vacation spot.  Belgium is literally building a beer pipeline. From Fox News: Agence France-Presse reports that the pipeline is set to connect the historic De Halve Maan brewery to a bottling factory two miles away, eliminating the 500 trucks that drive …

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