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Tina Fey Misses Out on Reward Bonuses; Rips off Stores

American Express currently has a promotion where you can receive 20% more points if you make twenty or more purchases.  And their spokesperson for that is Tina Fey. Except Tina Fey apparently doesn’t know how to use a credit card.  (Therefore, is missing out on bonuses plus is ripping off the stores). …

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FAA Forgets About Entire Aircraft Type in New $5 Billion System

Despite apparently being reminded multiple times that something called “drones” exists, the FAA forgot to include them–at all–in their new $5 billion system. From Gizmodo: We didn’t understand the magnitude to which (drones) would be an oncoming tidal wave, something that must be dealt with, and quickly,” said Ed Bolton, …

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