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How to Fly in an A380 First Class Cabin

I’m sure most luxury miles and points travelers would love to fly in First Class on an A380. There are 143 of these birds out there, and Mighty Travels has a great article on what you need to do to get yourself into that cabin. For a peak into the cabin, …

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Great, Easy Read on the Go

One of my favorite blogs, My Not So Humble Opinion, or [MNSHO] for short, hasn’t been posting for a while. It turns out this is because the author was working on a book. It has nothing to do with travel, but it is light-hearted, funny and, at times, has great …

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Re-Introducing Tiff!

You may have noticed that Tiff has been posting much more often than she has in the past.  We’ve “promoted” her from guest blogger to Contributing Writer. I figured it was worth introducing her again.  After all, her kids are older than when we last did that!  Tiff is a …

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