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The Ultimate #AvGeek Romantic Gesture

a map of a heart with a route

When the least avGeeky part of a wedding is getting married at the airport, you know you are in for a treat. Wedding guests joined the bride and groom on an airplane after getting wed at Malta International Airport and flew in an interesting flight pattern. .@AirMalta #LoveFlight #AMC14JC is returning to Malta …

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One of the Greatest April Fools Products Became a Real Product

a person in a coat with a light saber

April Fools Day tends to annoy me.  I can’t trust anything.  But some sites blatantly offer joke products and ThinkGeek does a fabulous job at creating the perfect fake products. Forget about Keri’s selfie-stick, how about traveling with a whole selfie-rig?   Or, traveling someplace new? Make sure you get …

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Tip from Tiff: Finding Catholic Masses When Traveling

catholic mass times

If you couldn’t figure it out by the title, our family is Catholic. When we travel we try to attend Mass in whatever country we’re in. Sometimes this has worked well for us, other times we have failed spectacularly. If you’re traveling in a traditionally Catholic country (Italy, France, Spain, …

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