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Getting Meta on the R2-D2 Plane

a blue and white suitcase

View from the Wing linked to the new 787 basically cos-playing as R2-D2. This is the ANA Star Wars Project by, well, ANA. But let’s get a little more meta here. IF you are going to fly on the R2-D2, make sure you are also traveling with this suitcase: Hey …

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Get Luggage That Will Follow You Around Automatically

a hand holding a phone next to a suitcase

Ever grow tired of having to carry your luggage around? You’re apparently covered. This is crazy.  There’s a suitcase that will follow you through the airport automatically. From wired:  The suitcase, called “Hop!”, contains three receivers that can identify and triangulate different signals coming from the user’s mobile phone. A …

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More Free Stuff Plus Join the Party

a space shuttle taking off

Have a travel horror story?  Or just a story you like to tell a lot to get a laugh out of people? My latest go-to is about how my body glitter set off the bomb residue sensors at the airport. Ooops. Tell me your story in the comments and the …

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