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Woman Discovers Two-Way Mirror in Toilet

a blurry image of a light in a dark room

Here’s something I’ve never been paranoid about before, and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to stop being paranoid about again. Comedian “Tamale Rocks” is a cautious traveler.  When she saw there was a full-length mirror directly facing the toilet in one of the venues she traveled to, she …

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What’s the Deal Lately with Boarding Early?

a man and woman in uniform

One of the greatest benefits of being an elite is getting to board early and getting access to the overhead bin space. Pizza in Motion wrote a great post on why flights boarding early is not a good thing overall.  He was seated near a poor guy who paid extra …

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Great Mexican Food Right By the DFW Airport

a bowl of food

During the Frequent Traveler University, Tiff and I decided to give up on hotel food one night and go out for some food with our husbands. We checked out Mi Dia, which is about a mile from the airport. When we entered, we saw people getting table side guacamole and …

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