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The Easier Way to Read Fellowship of the Ring

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It took the Machete Order to make the prequel of Star Wars finally fit into the rest of the episodes–well, except for the-episode-we-should-not-speak-of. The Machete Order, for those unfamiliar, involves watching the movies in the following order:  IV, V, II, III, VI.  His argument is that you don’t lose anything from not …

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Receive Free Early Access to Creating Virtual Reality Content

a hand holding a box with a phone

I mentioned the Kickstarter for an app that lets you create immersive experiences in a previous post.  I predicted it might not fund because it did not have a lot of high-level rewards. Sadly, I was right. Optonaut is committed to still creating this app, so they are opening up …

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Lobster House in City Island: Great Views With Beach Cocktails

a glass with a drink in it

City Island is an area of the Bronx that is approximately 1.5 miles long and barely a half-a-mile wide. When you arrive on City Island, you definitely get the feel that you aren’t in New York City anymore–even though you are technically within the boundaries.  It has the water-accessibility of …

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