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Why I Want Uber to Succeed in Paris

two women standing in front of a large castle

One thing I’m familiar with is getting ripped off by taxis in Paris. Some drivers automatically assume Americans don’t know where they are going and do crazy routes (and add unnecessary surcharges) to rip you off. Pizza in Motion had good advice.  If you know you are getting ripped off …

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Do You Prefer to Talk When You Travel?

a plane parked at an airport

Earlier today, I mentioned I can get pretty lonely when I travel. Forch, I AM the guy who will strike up a convo with you oh this 6 hour flight.   You like trout fishing? ME TOO! Enjoy being quiet in flight?  ME TOO. What’s the deal with airplane food? …

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How Trips Can Be Lonely

two wine glasses on a table

I love traveling by myself AND with other people. But sometimes traveling solo can get lonely at the most random times. I was traveling alone, and the Hyatt brought up an amenity for me.   I don’t know why, but having TWO wine glasses for just me made me tear …

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