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San Jose Airports Completes Efforts to Cut Down on Stowaways

a sign with a sign in front of a large sign

In 2014, Yahya Abdi hopped the fence at San Jose Airport and climbed into the wheel well of an airplane headed to Hawaii. He somehow survived the entire flight. From CNN: Yahya planned for some time to sneak onto the tarmac of San Jose International Airport, and he finally hopped the …

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They Built a Bookstore in an Old Theater

a large library with many books on the shelves with El Ateneo Grand Splendid in the background

Buenos Aires is home to a bookstore with a very unique location.   It was built inside of an old school theater,  complete with balconies. While the bookstore was created in 2000,  the theater itself has old roots. According to Wikipedia : Situated at 1860 Santa Fe Avenue in Barrio …

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