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An Update on DC’s $2 UberPool / $8 UberX Rides

a hand holding a phone with a blue car in the background

I wrote about Uber doing a deal with $2 Pool / $8 X rides in DC.  I couldn’t get the promo myself and assumed it hadn’t launched at all, since it said “in the month of October”. A reader commented that the deal did launch, but it was sold out already. …

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Uber Offering Flat Fares in DC–$2 UberPool, $8 UberX

a person holding a cell phone

Uber is now offering flat fares in DC!  This past summer, they offered unlimited packages in New York for one price.  This one is also a package, but done in an interesting manner. You pay $10 up-front which unlocks ten $2 Pool and $8 X rides.  Your next ten rides will …

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