
Yikes! Man Slides Right Out of Water Slide

a water slide with blue posts

This was my greatest fear as a child.  I always worried that I could slide right out of one of those open top water slides, and my parents insisted it would never happen. Now my worst nightmare has come true, but to someone else. A man on a water slide …

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Passenger Literally Bites Flight Attendant

close up of handcuffs

The latest in crazy-in-the-sky news is that a passenger on a Hawaiian Airlines flight was arrested by the FBI for interfering with the flight crew. And by interfering with the flight crew, I mean, he actually bit a flight attendant. From Supervisory Agent in Charge, Matthew MacDonald says Aumoeualogo is …

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Lamar Odom Is the Latest Passenger to Cause a Drunken Ruckus

a bar with a row of bottles on the shelves

From the same beverage that brought you “Drunk Grandma* on a Plane,” the much anticipated sequel to Samuel L. Jackson’s breakout film, we have “drunk celebrity on a plane”. Lamar Odom was so drunk on a flight, he had to be removed before the flight even took off.  His downfall …

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12,000 People Showing Up to Brooklyn for Pokemon Bar Crawl

a man with a cigarette in his mouth

We’re going to need a bigger boat bar. Someone organized a bar crawl in an area of Brooklyn rife with Pokemon and ended up with an RSVP list of over 12,000 people. I’m not sure their starting location, Barcade in Williamsburgh, is ready for this. Pokemon Go  has been an interesting social and …

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