I mentioned in my last post that I am currently hoarding Ultimate Rewards points. This is for a vacation I plan to take later at a Hyatt property. (More on that later!)
That’s why I was thrilled when the Daily Getaway for today was Hyatt points. I would love to use some to upgrade to a suite for my planned vacation.
Mommy Points lays out this deal quite nicely, but the gist is, you could buy heavily discounted Hyatt points starting at 1pm. (There was a pre-sale at noon with only twenty “slots” available).
We set up a laptop camp in my office to try to get these Hyatt points. And we were smoked. I mean, smoked. As soon as we were able to hit “buy,” we got the dreaded “this item is already in a cart message.”
This is how I imagine the people getting in on the deal did it:
It is possible for someone to not go through with the purchase after putting the item in their cart. So we kept clicking and clicking just in case–twenty minutes later, no dice and I am in serious need of Tommy John surgery.
Who knows, maybe I’ll pull a Charlie Bucket and find some Hyatt points laying there on the street.