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Another Big Hyatt Website Bug

a close-up of a staircase

I keep running into the weirdest Hyatt bugs, but this one would have been particularly bad.  This has also happened to me at least once before and luckily I noticed it after booking and Hyatt was able to undo it.  In this case, I noticed during booking. I was looking …

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Tips from Tiff: Update to Spirit Airlines Baggage Fees

a screenshot of a web page

Spirit Airlines likes to keep you on your toes. They’ve changed their baggage fees again. Oh, Spirit Airlines baggage fees… Previously you paid the same fee if you purchased your bag online before you checked into your flight no matter when you did it as long as it was before …

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Yoda Appears in a Medieval Manuscript… Seriously.

a close-up of a character

When I was in college, I traveled out to Salisbury to see the Magna Carta in person (well, one of the surviving four).  I think I just found another work worth pilgrimage-ing out for. Yoda makes an appearance in the Smithfield Decretals.  The resemblance is striking. According to the Telegraph: British Library …

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