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The Time I Accidentally Set My Bra on Fire

a wet cat with yellow eyes

Kevin from Economy Class & Beyond reminded me on twitter today that I’ve somehow become the expert in bras and travel. A quick search of the word “bra” on my blog reveals: Can You Smuggle Wine Through Security in Your Bra? The TSA Doesn’t Understand Women’s Undergarments How My Breasts …

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My New Travel Companion

a woman holding a dog

After the previous somber posts, I have an announcement to make about my new travel companion. I just got myself a new puppy, Moxie.  In accordance with her name, this dog is fully of moxie and adventure, and loves traveling around already. This photo doesn’t quite get at how tiny …

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Winner of the Amazon Gift Card

It’s almost a month late, but Ilea M. is the winner of the Amazon gift card, thanks to a Twitter follow. This is in reference to my birthday contest last month. Thanks to everyone who entered!  I hope to bring you some more contests soon.

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