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Love With Food Review: Gluten-Free Box

Love With Food Review: Gluten-Free Box

Love With Food Review:  Gluten-Free Box Guest Post by Mrs. Pizza As a mom of 2 who’s married to a New York Italian trained chef who believes food cures all, eliminating pasta, breads, cookies, and bagels from my diet is often a losing battle.  But why fight it you ask?  …

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Traveling When You Have Real Neighbors

a wooden fence and trees

A few years ago, I bought a house in the suburbs.  This was a pretty big deal for me–not just because of the house aspect of it–but because I had been living in urban areas in apartments.  I was used to things being right by me and convenience. While I …

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Hom-burger in Paradise (well, Charleston, SC)

a bar with many bottles and glasses

I recently took a vacation to Charleston, SC, to escape the… rainy… cold… of a Virginia May…? I didn’t expect the unseasonably bad weather in Virginia, but it was beautiful in Charleston. One thing I was pleasantly surprised by in Charleston was the quality of their restaurants, as well as …

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