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500 Free Points, the Destination Marketing Fee, and Cuban Food

a colorful buildings with cars and people in the background

Pizza in Motion has an easy way to snag 500 Marriott points in two minutes or less.  You must have an Instagram account and, well, a Marriott account.  That’s all that’s needed! Did you know that some cities charge tourists for the marketing they do to try to attract tourists? …

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Can You Wear a Fitbit One Through Airport Security?

a police officer wearing a blue shirt and blue gloves

I own a Fitbit and I love it.  It has taught me that I don’t walk nearly as much as I assume I do when traveling, and has even inspired me to purchase a treadmill desk. A lot of travel folk added me when I first posted about having a …

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So… How Long Do Those Oxygen Masks Things Actually Last?

a woman in a red uniform holding a bag in a plane

If anything has been drilled into me from all the pre-flight instructions I’ve received, it’s that if the oxygen mask falls down, I should place it over my head.  I should then tug to ensure the oxygen is flowing (though it won’t inflate).  After securing my own mask, I should …

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