Seriously, this is happening right now.
Back when I was in school, I went to a conference for students from all over the world. I started hanging out with a group of people that included someone from Denmark, someone from Norway, and someone from Sweden. And wow the jokes were flying back and forth between them.

It was all good-natured, but there is a clear history among those countries.
And it goes beyond the person-to-person basis.
Denmark and Sweden spent a good portion of yesterday trolling each other on twitter.
Did you know that everything that is not forbidden in @swedense, is mandatory?
— (@denmarkdotdk) July 7, 2016
Sweden announces Greater Sweden Initiative that includes all of @denmarkdotdk as a response to Greater Copenhagen.
— (@swedense) July 7, 2016
.@denmarkdotdk Sweden has a lot of love, even for danes. Specially those who can’t get married to their loved ones and seek refuge in Sweden
— (@swedense) July 7, 2016
.@swedense the feeling is mutual, as we are happy to shelter your fleeing mooses
— (@denmarkdotdk) July 7, 2016
.@denmarkdotdk We give you 1 moose and you kill it. How could you ever handle our 400,000 moose.
— (@swedense) July 7, 2016
.@swedense it just wasn’t accustomed to modern infrastructure from where it came
— (@denmarkdotdk) July 7, 2016
Dear @denmarkdotdk how “high” is your highest peak? So cute you don’t even have enough for a top 10 list.
— (@swedense) July 7, 2016
Dear @swedense, while you’re sitting on a hill top, we’ll just go to one of our many beaches
— (@denmarkdotdk) July 7, 2016
The back and forth goes on and on. Just click through to their Twitter feeds to see more.
These are their official tourism bureau Twitter feeds, which makes it more hysterical. I found this on Twitter about 2am my time, and couldn’t put the phone down.
Ever seen the original Danish/Swedish production of “The Bridge” TV series? It’s an entire TV show devoted to Danes and Swedes mischaracterizing each other.
No, I haven’t! I need to watch that!