A Subtle MLife Downgrade for Platinums

PrintThere’s been a sort of secret VIP room in different MLife properties.  If you were Platinum or Diamond with MLife, you could check in there and stop in for coffee, water and champagne.

For a great trip report that goes into the VIP room in the Mirage, check out Hack My Trip’s report on it.

Noir is invite only and Scottrick has it.  #jealous! 😉

At some point, the VIP room was taken away from MLife Platinums.  My last time in Vegas (three weeks ago, not this week), I went to run into the VIP Lounge to get my card fixed when it deactivated.  The lady at the front desk fixed it quickly but whispered that Platinums weren’t allowed in the VIP lounges anymore.

It’s not a huge downgrade, but being able to get coffee and water at will matters, especially in Vegas with the prices of water there.  (But you should stock up on water in Walgreens anyway!  It’s cheap there).

Since MLife doesn’t have much about the lounges on its website, it’s hard to tell if this affects all MLife properties or just the Mirage.

Edit: A reader on Twitter reported that similar downgrades happened at other MLife properties:



About Jeanne Marie Hoffman

Former bartender, still a geek. One equal part each cookies, liberty, football, music, travel, libations. Stir vigorously. +Jeanne Marie Hoffman Jeanne on Twitter

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  1. Bellagio’s and MGM Grand’s VIP Rooms weren’t meant for Platinums in the first place. It was only for NOIRs and guests who were invited to use it by their hosts.

    • Jeanne Marie Hoffman

      Ah, gotcha. I didn’t know that! I wish they put this information all in one spot.

      • Yup, the “better” properties have been strict about VIP Room access/use. It’s just the “lower-end” properties (ex. Excalibur, Monte Carlo) that have been allowing Platinums to access the VIP room. I see this changing though since there are probably a lot of Platinums due to the partnership with Hyatt.

  2. I was aware of the selective enforcement and probably need to visit the Bellagio and Aria before I get dropped down to Platinum. Honestly, the beer in the lounge is not terribly good, and it’s no fun to get drunk in the lounge. But it was nice to get a cup of coffee in the morning without waiting at Starbucks.

    • Jeanne Marie Hoffman

      The coffee in the morning is my #1 priority when traveling, so I wish I had the lounge for that! The Mirage isn’t too bad though in terms of access to coffee. The more touristy properties have Disney-esque lines for theirs.

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