Okay, so I’m childish, but my friends and I used to find the Tuckahoe Inn in Yonkers, NY, hysterical.
Then the name got adjusted.

Disappointing, but probably a good PR move for the inn.
Still, I had good memories of my friends running around asking people “for directions”. Do you know the way to Tuckahoe Inn? That’ll get you a double-take.
While I sat at my desk, mourning the loss of this Inn’s name, I started wondering if there were other Tuckahoe Inns out there.
Surely there couldn’t be.
Yes there are. And don’t call me Shirley.
There’s a Tuckahoe Inn of Beesley’s Point, NJ.

And it’s got great reviews:
I’m intrigued and I really want to check this place out–Atlantic City isn’t too far way.
They’ve got to know their name can cause a stir, but I’m bet when the Tuckahoe Inn and the Tuckahoe Motor Inn (formerly known as Tuckahoe Inn) were named, there was nothing for 3rd graders to snicker over.
Funny my wife and just drove by Camp Tuckahoe here in Missouri and laughed for miles.