Cute Children’s Geography & Travel Game for Free!

stack the countries 2

How do I talk about this children’s app without revealing my propensity to play games intended for children…


The Amazon App store currently has a cute app for free (normally $1.99).

Stack the Countries is a game where players “earn countries” by answering trivia questions about them including capitals and landmarks.

The incentive is that once you answer questions correctly, you get to stack them up in a giant pile.  Hit the finish line and you earn a new country.

The trivia is actually on the tougher side.  And it doesn’t give you hints or lead you to the answer.

So I think adults and children alike will find it fun, or at least learn a little from it.

About Jeanne Marie Hoffman

Former bartender, still a geek. One equal part each cookies, liberty, football, music, travel, libations. Stir vigorously. +Jeanne Marie Hoffman Jeanne on Twitter

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  1. I downloaded this app today and received a free $1 MP3 credit!

  2. My son has the Stack the States version…and I must admit it’s pretty fun to play! It was a fantastic learning tool as well.

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