One thing I used to be bad about was stretching while traveling. I’ve done Yoga with Adriene a lot at home, but I don’t really have that time on the road.
I came up with a list of stretches that take me about fifteen minutes to do that really help when on the road. This really helps keep my soreness levels down post-exercise and really helps in flight.

Start with the right side, then repeat with the left side.
Forward fold
Downward facing dog
Runners lunge
Butterfly pose
Pretzel stretch
A lot of the 15 minutes involves me sitting in half-pigeon for a while. Once you start feeling the stretch, breathe out and let yourself sink into it. Aahhh…
Here’s the caveat that I’m not a fitness coach myself, but all those videos are linking to people who actually know what they are doing.
I’ve occasionally done a few of these in an airport lounge, but only when I’m literally the only person in that section. And I do not recommend doing yoga in flight.