Using Technology to Keep Up Your Routines When Traveling

Travel throws off all my routines.  Lately, I’ve been needing to take some medication, and I can guarantee when I travel, I take 0 of it.

My husband has even started putting them in baggies in my briefcase with the time and date I should take them on it as a nudge, which is better than before but I still miss doses.  He claims, though I’m not sure if he’s kidding, that during a seminar he gave on the concept of nudging, they discussed how to get me to take my medicine when traveling.  Oops.

Then when I finally come home, my morning patterns are totally thrown off.  I even forget my lunch the first day or two I’m back.

Once I forgot to bring my briefcase to work after a particularly long work trip.  It’s just so hard getting back into a routine!

I forget to work out, I remember I have a piano a few days later.  And I forget to take out the trash.

I think I found a potential solution though.  I just came across a Kickstarter for a product called Droplet, and what it’s promising is huge.



A Droplet is a small button you can place on things.  When you do an activity, you just press the button and Droplet’s software will count your activity as completed.

The great thing is, you can set it to alert other people when an activity isn’t completed.  So it can alert someone that I haven’t taken my medication yet.

It can also do group reminders and let everyone in the house know that no one took out the trash and that your garbage pickup time is approaching.

droplet didnt take out the trash

When I was getting married, I lost weight pretty easily by using a program that let my brother know everything I ate.  That made me change my habits pretty quickly.  Especially when I got a text from him that said, “DO YOU REALIZE ONE-FOURTH OF YOUR CALORIES TODAY WERE WINE?”

The other thing you can use it for is reordering supplies.  If you have a bird feeder and you realize you are down to the last bit of seed, you can hit the button and have it automatically reorder the bird food.

Early bird ordering gets you a hub and a droplet for $39.  I went in for a set of multiple droplets and two hubs for at home and on the go.

About Jeanne Marie Hoffman

Former bartender, still a geek. One equal part each cookies, liberty, football, music, travel, libations. Stir vigorously. +Jeanne Marie Hoffman Jeanne on Twitter

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