Google Maps has been crowd-sourcing small details to their maps for a while. Â Things like, where large patches of grass are, bike trails, small streams, etc. If you wanted to make an edit to the map, it would be vetted by someone, usually not employed by Google, who was also …
Read More »Google Maps Releases Worst Traffic Days During Thanksgiving
Being one of the largest data providers gives Google an advantage–they get a lot of data in return. Google used its Google Maps product to determine which days and times seemed to have the worst traffic during Thanksgiving week. Â They also analyzed what types of activities people do when traveling …
Read More »Take a Vacation to the Grand Canyon on Google Maps
Google maps continues to amaze me. Not only does it help me navigate traffic on the go (for free), give me transit directions in unfamiliar cities, and let me fly a plane, now it lets me take vacations to places I haven’t been able to get to yet. Behold, the …
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