The other day, a crowd of 41 people was removed from a flight due to being too drunk to fly. A group of eight was just removed from a British Airways flight prior to takeoff for being too drunk.  It turns out they broke the first rule of flying while drunk, …
Read More »*41* Passengers Removed from Brussels Airlines Flight for Unruly Behavior
41 passengers were removed from a Brussels to Alicante flight after the captain had enough of their unruly behavior. The flight originally had 136, meaning 30% of the entire flight was removed. (And I thought the brawl on board a flight was crazy…) And yes alcohol was involved. All 41 were …
Read More »Forget Drunk Passengers, Allegedly Drunk Pilots Arrested Before Flight
Lately, drunk passengers seem to be coming up in the news more often. Grandma (not my grandma) was jailed after she went off on a drunk tirade in flight. Â Oh, and she was swigging from a bottle of vodka too. Lamar Odom got way too drunk off whiskey and beer …
Read More »Are Emergency Landings Due to Drunk, Belligerent Passengers the Crew’s Fault?
Another emergency landing due to a drunk passenger is in the news. This time, on a flight from London to Riga. He didn’t start a fight, but he was drunk and belligerent enough to cause an emergency landing in Poland. From the Daily Mail: A drunk and aggressive passenger on …
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