It’s the End of DCA’s 35A As We Know It

If you are a US Airways flyer who frequents DCA at all, you are very familiar with the craziness of gate 35a and its shuttle buses.

But soon, you will be able to board the commuter flights in DCA through an enclosed area.

From the press release:

The capital construction program includes a new commuter concourse to provide enclosed facilities for the 14 outdoor boarding positions for commuter planes, which currently are accessed with bus service at Gate 35X.

Gate 35A was recently expanded to allow passengers to wait in the boarding area before their flight is boarding.  Previously, you could not go down the escalator into the boarding area when your flight was not boarding.  Now you can linger there.

This would be an even bigger improvement and frankly, erase the stress from worrying about getting onto the wrong shuttle bus.


About Jeanne Marie Hoffman

Former bartender, still a geek. One equal part each cookies, liberty, football, music, travel, libations. Stir vigorously. +Jeanne Marie Hoffman Jeanne on Twitter

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  1. I flew for the first time to DCA when I was going to the Family Travel for Real Life conference a few months ago.

    When we got there (and used Gate 35A) I was like “What the heck is this!?!?!” 🙂

    Glad to see it going away!

  2. Well, I don’t live near DCA anymore, but I still have memories of 35A. 🙂 Glad it’s getting better. Still, it was better than the United IAD Terminal G experience during the FlyI days. 🙂

  3. Wow! I’m at 35A every month between NYC and Memphis.

    Doesn’t bother me in the morning as much as on the way home. Just want to be at the next gate already!


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