Women Tweets When Stuck in Amtrak Elevator; Amtrak Asks If She’s Still There 7 Months Later

Sometimes it can take a while to get a response from a company’s customer service.  Sometimes it can take months.

In Amanda Carpenter’s case, she was stuck in an elevator at the BWI Amtrak station and couldn’t get help.  So she tried tweeting that she was stuck to see if anyone could help her.  (Note: she did not actually tag Amtrak’s Twitter handle).


Amtrak got back to her a little late.

Seven months late.

But the kicker is–they asked her if she was still in the elevator.

Here’s the exchange:

My guess is that they just got some sort of new social media tool and went to town responding to people–without looking at the date things were posted.

That’s a pretty big snafu since I doubt Ms. Carptenter would still be here if she were still in the elevator.

Amtrak recognized that their tweet to her was a bit strange (to say the least) and offered her a free Acela trip.  Which I think is exceedingly generous for what was (just) a strange customer service experience.

About Jeanne Marie Hoffman

Former bartender, still a geek. One equal part each cookies, liberty, football, music, travel, libations. Stir vigorously. +Jeanne Marie Hoffman Jeanne on Twitter

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  1. At least she got a response. I’m waiting to hear back about getting stranded aboard a train last Christmas!

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