TimeLine Layout

August, 2016

  • 23 August

    Is Khal Drogo Returning to Game of Thrones?

    a group of books on a shelf

    Is there a huge plot twist coming up in the Game of Thrones? Jason Momoa (who played Khal Drogo) has been posting some Instragrams that have left people wondering if his character is returning to Game of Thrones.  Fueling the fire (aside from his Khaleesi) is the fact that he’s …

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  • 23 August

    Fly from New York to Paris for Only $299

    a red car in front of Eiffel Tower

    Right now, you can get a round-trip from Newark to Paris for only $299.  As always, the wonders of travel deals, the Flight Deal, has the details.  They go into what dates you can purchase this travel for, as well as any things you need to take into consideration. This …

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  • 23 August

    Should Airlines Compensate You if Your Requested Specialty Meal Isn’t Available?

    a tray of food with different containers

    Let’s say you request a vegetarian meal.  Or you request a kosher meal.  Or a diabetic meal. Either way, the airline gave you an option to request a meal ahead of time, and when you got on the airplane, it wasn’t avaliable. What should happen next? In India, a man …

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  • 23 August

    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 for Only $5.93

    a man in military uniform holding a gun

    Amazon currently has Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 for less than $6 on Xbox 360. Modern Warfare is a sort-of a spin off of Call of Duty.  It is within the franchise but has its own system of sequels.  So this isn’t the 3rd installment in the Call of …

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  • 23 August

    Amazon to Release Cheap, Echo/Alexa Only Streaming Music Service

    a black speaker on a shelf

    When Amazon released the Echo, they promised to continually make it better.  This has come in the form of products you can use the Echo with (for example, dimming the lights via speech), and apps the Echo connects to (for example, I connected to an audio RPG app that let …

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  • 23 August

    TOMORROW: Frequent Flyer Meet-Up in DC Area

    a city skyline with lights reflecting on water

    I’m so excited because the frequent flyer meet up is tomorrow! This is our highest number of RSVPs yet, and while I can’t guarantee anything, it looks like this will be the biggest event yet as well. If you cannot attend this one, no worries.  We’re going to have more …

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  • 22 August

    Man Stiffs Waitress Writing, “We Only Tip Citizens”

    a receipt on a table

    A man stiffed a waitress on her tip writing, “We only tip citizens.”  The waitress, 18-year old Sadie Karina Elledge, was born in the United States and is a natural-born citizen. These types of stories disappoint me.  This one especially disappointed me because this story took place in the state I …

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  • 22 August

    When There’s a Medical Emergency While You Are On Vacation

    a emergency room with glass doors

    Over half my life ago today, I was on vacation in Williamsburg, Virginia when I was admitted to the hospital for a burst appendix.  I was traveling when it actually ruptured so I was not feeling too great by the time I made it to the hospital.  (That may be …

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  • 22 August

    Panasonic Commits to Creating Wearable Translation Device / Babelfish in Next Four Years

    a close up of a dictionary

    This morning, my local NPR affiliate, WAMU, quoted the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.  That in itself is exciting news.  But the reason they made the Hitchhiker’s Guide reference was to talk about a commitment Panasonic made for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Panasonic is creating wearable translation devices for the athletes …

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  • 22 August

    Amazing Suitcase with One-Click Compression and Replaceable Wheels (plus USB charging!)

    a black suitcase with wheels

    My sister just sent me this Kickstarter for a suitcase with a note that it sounded like something I’d like.  Not only do I like it, I think it is pretty darn amazing for its price point. I’ve seen suitcases before with cool features, but rarely in the $200-ish range, …

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